Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Second Coming

Many have heard of the circumstances that will precede the second coming of Christ. It fills us will fear and dread. How will we survive such events! There is hope for us, hope that can give us peace as these events unfold.

First, the words about the second coming were written for us that we may know what to expect. It's as if we have been given the questions to the final before we have to take it. We know what's coming. We know what to look for. We haven't been left in the dark to figure it out.

It also should give us hope that "yet [his] words shall not pass away, but all shall be fulfilled"(JS-Matt 1:35). This doesn't mean only those tragic events, but all of his words, even those that say that He will not leave us. We have been told that Christ has prepared a way that we may accomplish all that we are asked to in this life (1 Ne 3:7). Why would He help us to the last days and then leave us to our own devices? He wouldn't! He loves us and wants us to succeed. We will be given all that we need to make it through those times.

That time before the second coming will be hard. Our faith will be tested. Many will be lead away by false prophets and false christs. We will have to be diligent and faithful. We will have to be prepared for "of that day, and hour, no one knoweth; no, not the angels of God in heaven, but my Father only" (JS-Matt 1:40). But when He comes, it will be glorious. "For the Son of Man shall come, and he shall send his angels before him with the great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together the remainder of his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other" (JS-Matt 1:37). In that day we will celebrate. We will have stood faithful and will see Him come again.

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