Saturday, July 25, 2015

Importance of the Holy Ghost

As Christ left this world, He left the Apostles with a great gift, the Holy Ghost. Christ taught them that His Spirit would “guide [them] in all truth,” “testify of [Him],” and would “teach [them] in all things, and bring all things to [their] remembrance” ( John 16:13, 15:26, and 14:26 respectively). Without the Holy Ghost with them after Christ departure, the Apostles would have had no enduring connection to God and no way to have His guidance in the affairs of the Church. The Church would quickly have deviated from Christ’s doctrine simply from human error and temptation. 

Just as the early apostles needed the guidance of the Spirit to show them what they should do, so we also need that guidance. We too have no connection to God without The presence of the Spirit. Without the promptings of the Spirit we are left to find our way on our own, not knowing for certain what is true and what is false. We are subject to the whim of Satan.

I know that I have felt this guidance in my life so many times. The most memorable for me would be the day that my late husband and I were married for time and eternity. I was young at the time, only nineteen. We had known each other for almost a year. As most people are on their wedding day, I was nervous. I remember thinking that eternity is a long time to be married to the wrong person. 

All through our courtship I had prayed to have guidance in the direction of our relationship. I had prayed to know whether this was the right thing for me. I had always felt that my prayer was answered in the positive. Still, as we went through the process of getting ready that morning in the temple, I was worried. Not enough to back out, but enough for it to be present in my thoughts.
Since there was time before our ceremony, we were directed to a couch to sit until it was time. I remember that as I sat there thinking about what we were about to do, I had the most amazing feeling of love and approval. I felt that this was most certainly the right choice and that Heavenly father was proud of my decisions that day. I knew then that our marriage was right and that we would be able to whether the storms that would come. We would have the power from God that we needed to make things work. 

Though we were only able to spend four years together on the earth, we still have eternity to look forward to. I also know that the feelings that I had that day were justified. My husband and I had problems, as any couple does, but we loved each other and we wouldn’t give up. Divorce wasn’t an out for us. My confirmation that day in the temple was a gift from Heavenly Father, through the Holy Ghost, to guide me in righteous decisions.

 We can have these kinds of promptings each day if we strive to live righteously and to listen for them. The Spirit will not compete for our attention. It has been said that he whispers. We must actively seek to hear his voice and to listen for his guidance.

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