Thursday, June 18, 2015

Blessings and the Beatitudes

The word blessed is a word that we often take for granted. I know that I had never really given it much thought. I just assumed that it meant that I would be given the things that I want or need.  As I have been studying this week though, I have come to realize that it means that I become happy. The actual definition means to be favored, privileged, enviable, or happy and this makes sense. The Lord’s mission is to bring our eternal happiness and blessings are the way that this is accomplished. This definition brought new meaning to the declarations in the beatitudes for me.
One example of this is in Matthew 5: 4. Here Christ says “blessed are they that mourn”. President Lee offers that this means that those mourning are mourning over their sins. I have experienced firsthand how this mourning can bring happiness. All through middle and high school, I struggled with my testimony. I was in a part member family, and that part was inactive. I went to church, activities and seminary, but it was only skin deep. There was no real conversion and I was unhappy. During high school I started to deal with major depression for the first time. At one point I was so unhappy that I decided that what the gospel had to offer had to be better than what I had going for me then. I was upset with the decisions I had made and regretted so many of them . I decided to change. When I look back on where I was then and compare it to where I am now, I can see the difference. My life is rarely happy go lucky, but there is a joy in my life that I did not have then and I know that it comes from following Christ.
Another example of how I am seeing the beatitudes different is from verse 6. Christ exclaims, “blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” I have also seen in my life how actively searching for the will of God has brought me happiness. As I have become the person that I am now, I have gone through many trials. I have found myself either trying to do it on my own or seeking guidance from God. As I have leaned on him and looked to him for my answers, I have been given direction and peace. I have been able to be happy because I have known that He is in charge and that he will give me all that I need to get through this life.
My last example of how I find happiness, or blessings, from the beatitudes is in verse 7. Christ claims, “Blessed are they who are merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Being merciful is not something that I am always good at, especially in interactions with my late husband and my children. It is easier to be merciful to those outside my immediate family. Yet one of the greatest feelings that I have felt is acceptance and understanding from others. I have known the great joy that that has brought to my life. I want, more than anything, to feel that even greater joy that will come from Christ’s mercy after my life here is through. I want to return to Him and our Father again and I can only do that through his mercy. I also want others to feel that mercy and joy.
            These specific beatitudes are something that I am working on in my life each day. More than anything, I want to be happy, both here and in the eternities. Verse 12 states, “rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven.” This is a reminder to me that the righteous desires of my heart will bring me happiness. No matter the pain that I deal with here, I must remain true to the perfect life that Christ outlined for me in the beatitudes. Through that example I can find happiness.

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